The Women’s Traditional Fire Training Exchange (WTREX) will be held for the first time in Portugal, in the Alto Minho region. Bringing together professionals from all over the world, it aims to highlight the importance and growing role of women in rural fire management, to promote gender equality and to provide a practical training experience on fire as a natural process in ecosystems, within the framework of the Incident Command System (ICS).

Between 1st and 10th February 2024, participants will have the opportunity to take on different responsibilities in the use of traditional fire as a landscape management tool in northwest Portugal. Over these 10 days, various initiatives will be made, such as observations on fire behaviour and weather conditions, monitoring the effects of fire, learning about ignition techniques, directional patterns and prescription of traditional fire, among other training sessions.

The event aims to increase the knowledge of professionals in the use of fire as a tool for landscape management, as well as the promotion of biodiversity, nature conservation and prevention of rural fires.

Another objective is to increase the diversity of perspectives, backgrounds and talent to create solutions for today’s complex problems related to fires, expanding knowledge and experience in the use of a “good fire” and its positive impact on ecosystems.

WTREX promises to be an exchange of experiences between participants from different backgrounds and training, which will create a support network for female fire professionals in integrated fire management.

The complex selection process analysed a total of 212 applications, from 26 countries, resulting in 45 participants from 21 nationalities.

In addition to the days reserved for participants, the event includes a public presentation session, to take place on the morning of 2nd February, at the Paredes de Coura Cultural Centre.

The event is organised by Agência para a Gestão Integrada de Fogos Rurais, IP (AGIF), supported by the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG), in collaboration with the Intermunicipal Community of Alto Minho, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and its programme, The Fire Learning Network (FLN), alongside the Municipality of Paredes de Coura and Laboratório Rural. This public initiative, supported by local and international partners, is part of the National Action Programme for Integrated Rural Fire Management – therefore contributing to the goals of Gender Equality, training/qualification and International Exchanges.



8:30 – 9:00 Reception for participants


9:00 – 9:30 Opening

Tiago Cunha, Vice-President, Municipality of Paredes de Coura

Manoel Batista, President of the Alto Minho Intermunicipal Council and Intermunicipal Community

Paulo Mateus, Member, Agência para a Gestão Integrada de Fogos Rurais  (Agency for the Integrated Management of Rural Fires)

Maria Estrada, The Nature Conservancy


9:30 – 9:50 “The Inclusion of Women in the Integrated Management of Rural Fires”

Lara Steil, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO-UN)


9:50 – 11:30 Round Table: “Promotion of Gender Equality in the Integrated Rural Fire Management System”

Moderation: Lara Steil, FAO-UN

– Susana Silva, National Director of Bombeiros, Autoridade Nacional de Emergência e Proteção Civil (Firefighters, National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection)

– Manuel Albano, Vice-President, Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género (Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality)

– Sandra Sarmento, Regional Director, Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas

– Captain Francisco Calejo, Company Commander – UEPS, National Republican Guard


11:30 – 11:45 Coffee Break


11:45 – 12:50 Round Table: “The Role of Women in the World of Fires”

Moderation: Sandra Sarmento, ICNF

– Miguel Pardellas, environmental educator – “Trees that don’t burn: Women in fire prevention”

– Conceição Colaço, ISA researcher – “Re-learning how to live with fire”

– Gema Revenga, Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge – Spain (MITECO)


12:50 – 13:00 Closing

Vítor Pereira, President, Municipality of Paredes de Coura


Programme from 1st to 10th February – “Women’s TREX – Traditional Fire Training Exchange”.

– Reserved event, attendance subject to reservation.

– Schedule subject to change due to conditions associated with the use of fire.



– Arrival of participants



– 09:00 – 13:00 Public Session “Women’s TREX – Traditional Fire Training Exchange”

– 15:00 Training Session I

– 16:00 Operational Discussion and safety protocols (IC-206)

– 17:00 Training Session II



– 08:15 Briefing/Informational meeting

– 08:30 Training Session III

– 14:00 Training Session IV

– 15:30 Operational Departure (Late-Night Burning)



– 08:00 Briefing/Informational meeting

– 08:30 Operational episodes in the field

– 20:30 Programme presentations or flash presentations


NOTE. These times are all subject to confirmation the day before due to suitable conditions for burning



– 09:00 Briefing/Informational meeting

– 09:30 Post-fire impact assessment (operational output)

– 14:00 After Action Review – WTREX conclusions

– 16:00 Certificate award ceremony



– Departure of participants