During April and May 2023, the Agency for the Integrated Management of Rural Fires (AGIF) and the Serralves Foundation present a diverse programme of activities in areas as diverse as the visual and performing arts and cinema, with the aim of raising awareness among the younger public and families about the use of fire and fire prevention, in anticipation of the beginning of the summer/fire season.
The presentation of this program is based on a protocol signed between AGIF and Serralves Foundation, in the context of the objectives of the Integrated Rural Fire Management System (SGIFR), explained in strategic guideline 3 of the National Plan for Integrated Rural Fire Management 20-30 which aims to change behaviors, through the adoption of best practices of defense, awareness in the use of fire and reduction of ignition sources.
In this sense, AGIF has been organizing various cultural activities, which through different artistic languages promote awareness and change of attitudes, developing partnerships with cultural institutions that present content that can reach out more closely to the various communities. As one of the strategic objectives of the Serralves Foundation is the development and implementation of innovative educational programs, with the aim of raising the awareness of different audiences to environmental and sustainability issues, AGIF recognizes the Serralves Foundation and its Environment Education Service as a privileged partner for the successful implementation of its objectives.
The program, which begins with the exhibition Fogo Frio (Cold Fire), on show from April 6 in Serralves Park, ends with the presentation of the show Incandescente (Burning) by Esquiva Dance Company on May 17. Taking into account that the Serralves Foundation organizes the BioBlitz every year, an educational and scientific event of reference, AGIF participates in this initiative with a set of activities under the Fox is Calling project. The program in Serralves also includes the screening of several plays performed as part of the Teatro Chama project developed in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Regional Directorates of Culture and the screening of Portuguese short films and the documentary “Ashes in the Forest”.
There will be many cultural offerings waiting for you and your family, because PORTUGAL IS CALLING. FOR YOU. FOR ALL.

6th April to 31st May
Monday to Friday: 10am – 7pm I Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: 10am – 8pm
Parque de Serralves – Sala Panorâmica
Exhibition curated by Conceição Colaço that aims to put science at the service of fire prevention. In thecontext of climate change, it demonstrates the influence of vegetation and meteorology on fire behaviour and how the correctapplication of safety rules in winter burnings can be beneficial to reduce the intensity of rural fires in the summer.

8th a 12th May
2:30pm and 3:30pm
Casa do Cinema Manoel de Oliveira, Fundação de Serralves
Screening of de three short films about rural fires: Ashes, An Essay on Fire [Pedro Flores, Portugal, 2012],The Left Behind [Aurélie Oliveira Pernet, Switzerland, Portugal, 2022] and Garrano [David Doutel andVasco Sá, Portugal, Lithuania, 2022].

8th a 14th May (schools): 9.30am/10:30am/11: 30am/2.30pm/3:30pm
Saturdays and Sundays (general public): 10am – 7pm
Parque de Serralves – Clareira dos Teixos
A set of creative activities will take place to the sound of Band of the Forest, specially designed to createawareness in the younger generation to behaviour risk and simple strategies for preventing rural fires.

11th May: 2:30pm
Parque de Serralves – Tennis Court
Presented by Astro Fingido, this play addresses the scourge of rural fires, raising awareness of individualresponsibility in preventing and reducing the ignitions that, year after year, give rise to tragedies that markus forever. Through performative languages with a great dose of humour, the aim is to collectively find newways of thinking and changing behaviours.

12th May: 9:30pm
Parque de Serralves – Tennis Court
Presented by Leireda Teatro, this play aims to raise awareness of the problem of rural fires and the gooduse of fire. It also tells the story of a village where everyone is only concerned with what is their own. Inthe end, nothing is expected to be the same again because guilt cannot die alone.

13th May: 9:30pm
Parque de Serralves
Produced by ARCA – Associação Cultural e Recreativa do Algarve. This play tells the story of the discoveryof fire and how man uses it to his advantage through sand animation, music and oral narration.

13th and 14th May: 10:30am e 12:00pm
Casa do Cinema Manoel de Oliveira, Fundação de Serralves
Documentary directed by André D’Elia (Brazil) about the production of the artwork “The forest brigadier”by Mundano in a building in the historical centre of São Paulo. The pigments used in this mural wereproduced with the ashes of the biomes of the Amazon, Cerrado, Pantanal and the Atlantic Forest.

17th May: 9:30pm
Auditorium, Fundação de Serralves
Presented by Esquiva Companhia de Dança, this dance-theatre performance narrates the history of fire,its importance and relationship with the forest with the intent of discussing the relevance of fire knowledgeand its role in human history.