About us

We are tasked with the planning, strategic coordination and assessment of the Integrated Rural Fire Management System (SGIFR).


What we do

  • Integration of public policies focusing on:
    • Accumulation of vegetable fuel
    • Behaviour of the population
    • Actions of SGIFR agents
  • Assessment and monitoring of prevention and suppression activities
  • Knowledge management
  • Encouraging the specialisation and professionalisation of SGIFR agents



We’re in the field


Planning, strategic coordination nad assessment of the SGIFR

Following approval by the Council of Ministers of the PNGIFR documents – Strategy and Process Chain, AGIF is currently committed to finalising the National Action Plan (PNA) and outlining the Regional (NUT II) and Sub-Regional (NUT III) Action Plans, with the help of all entities involved in the SGIFR.


Planning, strategic coordination nad assessment of the SGIFR

Planning, strategic coordination nad assessment of the SGIFR

Integrated communication ‘Portugal Chama’ campaign

“PORTUGAL CHAMA” (Portugal is Calling; the name in Portuguese is a play on words given that ‘chama’ means both ‘call’ and ‘flame’) is much more than the average public awareness campaign.


Integrated communication ‘Portugal Chama’ campaign

Integrated communication ‘Portugal Chama’ campaign

Coordination between entities

Horizontal coordination of the primary SGIFR entities (ICNF, ANEPC and GNR) at national, regional and multi-municipal level


Coordination between entities

Coordination between entities

Assisting the Decir

Providing assistance in several knowledge areas and operational support for diagnosis, in particular, risk management and the analysis of fire and fire-weather behaviour.


Assisting the Decir

Assisting the Decir

National Plan for Integrated Wildland Fire Management

Major fires, which are increasingly more likely given the severe and variable weather conditions and which are expected to worsen, usually occur in landscapes which lack planning and management, occupied by communities that are not mindful of the current circumstances.


National Plan for Integrated Wildland Fire Management

National Plan for Integrated Wildland Fire Management

More informations

Indicators, figures, articles and videos

Investment in the SGIFR
Investment in the SGIFR